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Sonya Sones What My Mother Doesn't Know To Be Perfectly Honest Facebook Sonya Sones Twitter Sonya Sones Sonya Sones Pinterest Instagram Sonya Sones Tumblr page
What My Mother Doesn't Know
What's this book about?
  Why don’t I let Sophie tell you:
  My name is Sophie.
This book is about me.
It tells the heart-stoppingly riveting story
of my first love.
And also of my second.
And, okay, my third love, too.
  It's not that I'm boy crazy.
It's just that even though
I'm almost fifteen
I've been having sort of a hard time
trying to figure out the difference
between love and lust.
  It's like
my mind
and my body
and my heart
just don't seem to be able
to agree on anything.
I'm an awful lot older than Sophie, but I still haven't quite figured out the difference between love and lust. It's so hard to separate the two. But maybe lust is when your body loves someone else's body, and love is when your heart loves someone else's heart ... and their body!
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my inspiration for the book
Unlike the poems in Stop Pretending, the poems in What My Mother Doesn't Know are definitely not autobiographical. Especially not the embarrassing ones. But some of the experiences in the book are based on things that actually happened to me. For instance, my mother tore a shirt of mine once, when she was very angry, just like Sophie's mom tore her dress in the book.

There are lots of situations in my own life that I wish I had handled differently. But my characters have dealt with the same situations in much better ways than I did. A boy did grab my breast when I was waiting to be picked up after a school dance when I was in high school. But in real life, I just stood there like an idiot and did nothing. In the book, Sophie got to sock the boy in the jaw. It was as though I'd been given the chance to rewrite history.

Copyright 2004-. Sonya Sones. All rights reserved.